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Chaga mushroom





A powerful antioxidant, it strengthens immunity, digestion, skin health, and fights free radicals.

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Chaga French Mush

Chaga capsules




Stimulates Immunity

Your diagnosis in 2 minutes flat!

French Mush complements alimentaires a base d'extraits de champignons bio
Complexe Chaga gélules FrenchMush


New release

5 Mushroom Complex + Chaga






Chaga poudres Frenchmush

Chaga extract powder





Vegan, natural, and organic mushroom extracts (Bureau Veritas certification)

French Mush dietary supplements made from organic medicinal mushrooms
Complexe 5 champignons bio

New release

Complex 5 Mushrooms





Complexe et chaga en poudre


New release

5 Mushroom Complex + Chaga






Complexe champignons en poudre

New release

Complexe 5 Mushrooms Powder





Lions Mane et Chaga et Reishi


New release

The Immunity and Stress Pack



Concentration and memory



4x more effective than a dietary supplement thanks to ultrasonic extraction

French Mush complements alimentaires a base d'extraits de champignons bio
Pack frenchmush full poudre


New release

The French Mush Powders pack




Physical performance


Concentration and memory


Pack Reishi et Chaga


New release

The Immunity and Sleep Pack






Chaga Reishi Lions Mane


New release

The Immunity and Stress Pack



Concentration and memory



Immunité et sommeil en poudre


New release

The Immunity and Sleep pack






Chaga French Mush

Chaga Capsules: Your Ally Against Skin Problems





Chaga poudres Frenchmush

Chaga Powder: Your Ally Against Skin Problems





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French Mush guarantees you effective, safe, traceable, and 100% organic products. Our team, made up of mycologists, laboratories, and health professionals, is dedicated to offering the best medicinal mushroom-based supplements.

Discover the products of French Mush, your online store for functional mushrooms:

  • Chaga in capsules
  • Chaga in powder

Chaga mushroom, your immune system’s ally!

Chaga is a mushroom with fascinating properties that grows mainly on birch trees in cold areas of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in Siberia, Scandinavia and Canada. For our Chaga mushrooms, French Mush has created a partnership with a producer located in northern Europe and more precisely in Finland. Visually, it looks like a black and rough mass, reminiscent of a burn crust, clinging to the host tree on which it evolves. Contrary to what one might think, there is only one variety of Chaga, although its appearance can vary slightly depending on its environment. The optimal harvest time is between autumn and spring, when it is richest in nutrients. This medicinal mushroom has an impressive composition: it is rich in amino acids, trace elements, essential fatty acids, flavonoids, polysaccharides and carotenoids. These natural biological components make Chaga a plant source with many therapeutic virtues.

What are the benefits of Chaga mushroom?

The Chaga mushroom, still largely unknown in the West, is nevertheless a treasure of nature with multiple virtues for the body and mind. Numerous studies have looked into the beneficial effects of this mushroom, highlighting its role on immunity, its antioxidant power, as well as its beneficial actions on the digestive system.

A rich cocktail for the body

  • Vitamines et minéraux : Le Chaga est une riche source de vitamines, notamment A, B, D et K, ainsi que de minéraux essentiels pour notre santé, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnésium ou chlore. Ces composants contribueraient au maintien des fonctions vitales de l'organisme, renforçant ainsi nos défenses naturelles.
  • Antioxydants : Face aux radicaux libres, responsables du stress oxydatif et du vieillissement prématuré des cellules, le Chaga ferait office de bouclier. Ses principes actifs permettraient de neutraliser ces molécules nocives, protégeant ainsi notre corps des dommages qu'elles pourraient causer. L'indice ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) mesure le pouvoir antioxydant des aliments et le Chaga se place à la première place de ce classement avec un indice de plus de 345 000 pour 100G contre 100 000 seulement pour la baie d'Açai, par exemple.
  • Immunity: One of the most remarkable properties of Chaga would be its ability to strengthen the immune system. It would help improve the immune response, helping our body defend itself against infections and diseases. This is due to the presence of immune compounds that stimulate our defenses.

    Beneficial effects for the digestive system

    gut health is a pillar of our general well-being. Chaga would facilitate digestion by promoting the proper functioning of our digestive system.
    Here are some of its benefits of consuming Chaga mushroom:
  • Son action intestinale : Grâce à ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires, le Chaga apaiserait les inflammations intestinales, permettant ainsi une meilleure absorption des nutriments.
  • Il facilite la digestion : Il contribuerait également à la régulation de la flore intestinale, essentielle pour une digestion saine et optimale.
  • Detoxification: Chaga is said to help eliminate waste and toxins, thus promoting the health of the liver, a key organ in our detoxification system.

    Chaga mushroom, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural active ingredients, is a real asset for your health. Antioxidant power, strengthening of the immune system and improvement of the digestion mechanism, there is no doubt that this mushroom deserves its place in your diet and your health routine to benefit from its many virtues.
  • How to consume Chaga mushroom?

    The Chaga mushroom can be easily integrated into your daily routine thanks to formats adapted to each lifestyle. If the idea of ​​picking and preparing raw Chaga seems tedious to you, and especially because it is only accessible in certain geographical areas in the world, French Mush offers you alternatives that are just as beneficial . Our formulations of Chaga powder are particularly practical. Easily soluble, Chaga powder can be incorporated into your smoothies, juices or even sprinkled on your dishes. This format allows rapid assimilation of nutrients by the body, while offering the possibility of dosing the quantity according to your needs. Capsules represent another effective way to integrate Chaga into your daily life. Compact and discreet, they are ideal for those who are always on the move. In addition, they guarantee a regular and uniform setting, essential to fully benefit from the virtues of the mushroom throughout the treatment. Whether in powder or capsules, integrating Chaga into a food supplement routine has never been so simple. These formats are designed to make them easy to take, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of Chaga without constraints. For a perfect treatment that meets your needs in terms of improving your immune system, skin care, cardiovascular health or to relieve digestive problems, one gram of powder or one to two capsules of Chaga per day are sufficient. .

    In what cases should we resort to the medicinal virtues of Chaga?

    Chaga is one of the medicinal plants widely recognized for their beneficial properties. This mushroom is prized for its preventive and curative role in many ailments and conditions.

    Cases where the properties of Chaga can be used:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: Chaga is said to be very effective in improving blood circulation. It would help regulate blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Using this mushroom as a dietary supplement could contribute to a healthy heart.
  • Carence en minéraux et vitamines : Si votre alimentation ne vous fournit pas assez de nutriments essentiels, le Chaga vient combler ce manque. Riche en minéraux, vitamines et autres nutriments essentiels, sa consommation régulière pourrait aider à pallier ces carences.
  • Soins et beauté de la peau : Grâce à ses propriétés antioxydantes, le Chaga serait un remède naturel pour les problèmes cutanés. Il aiderait à lutter contre les signes du vieillissement, réduire l'inflammation et améliorer l'élasticité de la peau.
  • Renforcer les défenses : L'un des principaux avantages du Chaga serait sa capacité à stimuler et renforcer les défenses immunitaires. Il serait particulièrement utile pendant la saison froide ou en périodes de stress, où le système immunitaire a besoin d'un coup de pouce.
  • Problèmes digestifs : La consommation de Chaga favoriserait une meilleure digestion, réduisant les ballonnements, la constipation ou d'autres troubles intestinaux ou gastriques.

    This is just an overview of the many benefits of Chaga that make it a superfood. If you are interested in using natural remedies, French Mush advises you to consider this mushroom. Although it is powerful, Chaga is generally without side effects for the majority of people. However, before integrating Chaga or any other medicinal plant into your routine, it is recommended to consult a health professional. This is to ensure that its use is appropriate for your situation and that there are no possible contraindications with other medical treatments that you may follow, particularly for pregnant women or children.
  • Why choose French Mush when purchasing your Chaga mushroom extract?

    The search for the best extract or food supplement based on Chaga mushroom can turn out to be a journey strewn with pitfalls and unpleasant surprises, even risks for your health, given the large number of counterfeits circulating. With French Mush, your quest for a quality product comes to an end!

    Ingredients of natural and organic origin:

  • The Chaga mushroom offered by French Mush comes from organic farming via our partner producers in Finland. This guarantees production without pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals, thus preserving the purity and effectiveness of the mushroom.
  • Perfect traceability: The trust of our customers is at the heart of our concerns. Thanks to exemplary traceability, each product can be followed from its original Finnish producer to its packaging through its processing, thus ensuring optimal quality.
  • Recognized expertise: In the world of medicinal mushrooms, French Mush stands out with expertise praised by professionals and consumers. Our know-how guarantees a superior quality food supplement.
  • A French formulation: Although our Chaga comes from Finnish forests, our extracts are carefully formulated in France.

    Complete use of the mushroom: To maximize the benefits, French Mush uses the entire mushroom, from the body of the mushroom or Fruiting body, through the Mycelium, to the purest extracts.
    Choosing French Mush means opting for excellence, traceability and expertise in the field of medicinal mushrooms. Choose quality for your health!

    Balandaykin, Mikhail & Zmitrovich, Ivan. (2015). Review on Chaga Medicinal Mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (Higher-Basidiomycetes): Realm of Medicinal Applications and Approaches on Estimating its Resource Potential. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 17. 95-104.10.1615/IntJMedMushrooms.v17.12.10.BALANDAYKIN, Mikhail E. et ZMITROVICH, Ivan V., 2015. Review on Chaga Medicinal Mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (HigherBasidiomycetes): Realm of Medicinal Applications and Approaches on Estimating its Resource Potential. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2015. Vol. 17, n° 2, pp. 95-104. DOI 10.1615/intjmedmushrooms.v17.12.10.BALANDAYKIN, Mikhail E. et ZMITROVICH, Ivan V., 2015. Review on Chaga Medicinal Mushroom, Inonotus obliquus (HigherBasidiomycetes): Realm of Medicinal Applications and Approaches on Estimating its Resource Potential. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 2015. Vol. 17, n° 2, pp. 95-104. DOI 10.1615/intjmedmushrooms.v17.12.10.