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Cordyceps complexe french mush Cordyceps et complexe gélules ingrédients reishi french mush ingrédients cordyceps french mush Ingrédients lion's mane french mush ingrédiens chaga french mush Mushroom Complex 5 - Cordyceps
  • Cordyceps complexe french mush
  • Cordyceps et complexe gélules
  • ingrédients reishi french mush
  • ingrédients cordyceps french mush
  • Ingrédients lion's mane french mush
  • ingrédiens chaga french mush
  • Mushroom Complex 5 - Cordyceps

Concentration, Memory, Vitality, Digestion, Microbiome.

Pack Energy & Vitality

Cordyceps, Chaga, Reishi, Lion's mane, Shiitaké

Independent laboratory tested



Made in France


Add to Cart — 64€ 67€ — 60€ 67€
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The benefits of Complex 5

Certified Quality
  • French Mush is the only player in the world to cultivate and extract on European territory.

  • Our ultrasonic extraction technique allows 92% bioavailability. French Mush extracts are therefore 4 to 8 times more effective than average.

  • The effectiveness of French Mush extracts and the active compounds they contain are clinically proven.

  • We are certified organic farming.
Discreet Flavor

The mixture of these mushrooms can have a slightly earthy or bitter flavor when added to a drink or food. This flavor is a sign of their quality. To reduce this bitterness, do not hesitate to add fruits or sugars.

We advise you to use the products for a minimum of 30 days, and if possible 90 days, for optimal results. You can also use different mushrooms at the same time for a synergistic effect.

Performance, Endurance, Vitality, Energy, Microbiome.

Complex 5 mushrooms (Shiitake, Lion's Mane, Cordyceps, Chaga, Reishi) :

  • Synergistic blend for microbiota, immunity and vitality/tone.

Cordyceps :

  • In addition to the complex, Cordyceps enhances energy, endurance, and vitality.

Each mushroom in this pack works in synergy to promote optimal health, enhancing physical performance, energy, and libido, while supporting digestion and the microbiome.

Ingredients and traceability

Our mushroom products are available in two formats: powder and capsules.

For the powder:

  • Complex 5 Mushrooms: Each gram contains 200 mg of Shiitake, 200 mg of Cordyceps, 200 mg of Chaga, 200 mg of Reishi, and 200 mg of Lion's Mane.
  • Cordyceps : Every 100g contains extracts of Cordyceps sinensis with a minimum of 30% polysaccharides, + 15% beta-glucans, and a high percentage of cordycepin, sourced from the renowned Fujian Farm in China.

For the capsules:

  • Complex 5 Mushrooms: Each capsule contains 80 mg of Shiitake, 80 mg of Cordyceps, 80 mg of Chaga, 80 mg of Reishi, and 80 mg of Lion's Mane. For two capsules: 160 mg of each mushroom.
  • Cordyceps: Each capsule contains 400 mg of fruiting body extracts of Cordyceps sinensis.

All our mushrooms are grown in France, Spain and Finland, then processed in France. Our products are certified organic, 100% vegan, and our capsules are made from pine cones, ensuring their natural character and compliance with a vegan diet.

Can I eat several mushrooms at the same time?

Yes quite. There is a synergistic effect of consuming different mushrooms at the same time, particularly on digestion, immunity and vitality.

  • Complex 5 Mushrooms

    100% European premium complex, ultrasonically extracted. Ideal for immunity, intestinal health and vitality.






    Naturally rich in vitamins K, B12, D, C, Zinc, Magnesium

    Discover the range
  • Cordyceps

    Boosts your energy, your physical performance and your libido.


    Physical performance



    Rich in cordycepin

    Discover the range

A real boost of vitality++ while promoting immunity and digestion.

Transparency and Certification

Are your products certified organic?

All our products are certified organic by independent French organizations, guaranteeing cultivation and production that respect the environment and your health.

Where can I find your product analysis reports?

We take quality seriously. This is why we provide you with independent laboratory analysis reports for each batch of product.

Analysis results:

How do you extract the compounds from your mushrooms?

We use a state-of-the-art ultrasonic extraction method, which preserves the potency and integrity of the mushrooms' active compounds for maximum effectiveness.

Do your products contain GMOs or additives?

We are proud to offer you 100% natural products, without GMOs, without additives or preservatives. In addition, our packaging is ecological and recyclable.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Accès à plus d energie

J’utilise depuis un mois le complexe5-cordiceps j’ai pu constater une amélioration de ma connexion à mon énergie sexuelle, et je retrouve petit à petit le besoin de faire du sport la contrepartie est un sommeil plus agité. Je prend 3 gélules de chaque , une à deux fois par jour.

laurent vingtans
je me sens bien

toujours en forme.

Aucun effet + maux de tête

Aucun effet boostant du corbyceps chez moi après 3 mois de cure et je ne supporte pas le complexe 5 champignon qui me donne mal de tête.

Amira Chebel

Pas encore d’effet

Bonjour, Merci pour votre retour.
Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous n'avez pas ressenti les bienfaits attendus.
Pour mieux comprendre votre situation et vous apporter des conseils plus précis, pourriez-vous nous fournir quelques détails supplémentaires ? Nous aimerions savoir : Quelle posologie vous avez suivie ?
Depuis combien de temps avez-vous commencé la cure ?
À quel moment de la journée prenez-vous les gélules ?
Pouvez-vous également nous indiquer le numéro de lot de vos produits (se trouvant en dessous de la boîte) ?
Ces informations nous aideront à mieux analyser votre expérience. Si vous préférez ne plus être contacté, n’hésitez pas à le confirmer. Merci pour votre coopération et votre compréhension. Bien à vous,
L’équipe French Mush

Complexe champignons Cordyceps

Super complexe
Beaucoup d’énergie malgré la grosse chaleur du moment et bonne récupération malgré mon programme d’entraînement bien chargé

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